Monday, December 29, 2008


After months of pondering and reflecting, I finally took on the cheese-free classic New York style cheesecake in honour of my roommate's birthday.

I followed the instructions to the letter, with some necessary substitutions:

Vegan margarine instead of butter
  • I used Fleishman's unsalted pareve margarine, which is also kosher.
4 tubs of soy cream cheese
  • Tofutti brand is yummier, but YoSo is better for you. I used one Tofutti and three YoSo. I might do 2 and 2 if I was making this again.
2 tubs of soy sour cream
  • I only found YoSo and was short on time. No complaints.
4 egg-equivalents of boxed egg replacer powder
  • Not sure how flax or bananas would work in this recipe. Would probably recommend the route I took.

While in the oven, the cheesecake bubbled like it was boiling. That made me quite unhappy, but it seems to have settled in the end. I didn't put it back in the oven once the sour cream topping was on it because I didn't want it to all bubble into itself again. I'd recommend that you chill this overnight in the fridge because it took a while to solidify. It has kept in the fridge for over a week with no problem.

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